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How To Lose Fat On Your Stomach But Not In Your Boobs
(and some tips for men too)
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First of all, our website is called Losing Fat Quickly, not losing weight quickly, and that's not an accident. There is a huge difference many people don't realize. Losing weight might mean losing body water, dehydrating yourself or even losing bone density, which is anything but healthy. So when you hear someone talking about losing weight and discussing how many pounds they have lost, stay away. Because some of those techniques for weight loss might dehydrate you and initially make it seem like it's working, but instead end up causing irreparable harm to your health.

We concentrate our attention specifically on losing fat. Because excessive fat is what causes most health problems. And excessive fat is what makes your body look unattractive.

Unlike other websites, we don't sell any pills or products or magical guru recipes claiming to help you lose some specific number of pounds over a specific number of days. Instead, we let our users share what has helped them lose fat, get into shape, get healthy and look great.

Everyone is different and your results might vary, but all information on our website is completely unbiased. Our users simply have no reason to lie to you. They are people just like you.

And we provide a free platform for you and them to communicate. So you get to discover this information straight from the source, from other people, not from editors of some magazine or sales reps of some company.

This is what makes us different from other "weight loss" websites out there that try to sell you something while claiming they are trying to help you.

You'll be receiving our digest with the most honest accounts of people who are in the process of losing fat, those who've successfully lost enough fat to meet their goals to look great, feel awesome and be healthy, and those who are successfully keeping it off in the long term.

Here are just some of the topics we are talking about right now (see if anything interests you):

• Specific ways of losing fat off your stomach and hips without turning your D-cups into B-cups in the process. After all, imagine how great it would be if you still had most of your breast mass and volume, with more pleasing shape, and at the same time skinnier waist and even little something taken off the hips.

• Not to mention the shape of your butt. Imagine your butt getting round and slightly smaller. And much firmer. Just imagine for a minute that you body would look like that. Bigger than average boobs, smaller waist, round and firm butt. Just perfect.

• How do deal with a plateau. You keep losing weight (in a healthy way, by losing fat) and at some point you are still slightly overweight, but your progress has stopped. Nothing you do seems to be working anymore. How to shake up your routine and your diet to break though this plateau and keep losing more fat until you are happy with the way you look.

• Not gaining back all the fat you've lost. For some people, this is even more difficult than losing fat in the first place.

• How to stop feeling hungry, especially in the evenings. Without forcing or torturing yourself.

• How soon after losing fat do you stop being invisible to the opposite sex? At which point do men start looking at you like they do at other women, while pretending they aren't looking?

• Don't start losing fat too aggressively. You'll run out of steam and break down. Instead, do it slowly, methodically, and soon (much sooner than you think), you'll see the results.

• If you ever have a question or need help, you can always ask, and we'll cover your question in the following digest issue.

• And of course, it's all completely FREE!

• Let me repeat that. Since for some reason a lot of people contact us asking if the membership is really free: we are a social website for people who want to lose fat, so we don't sell anything, and we don't charge any fees. It's as simple as that.

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Need to lose 40 pounds
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Nov 12, 2017 18:37:47   #
I weighted 130 lbs until I had my sixth foot surgery 2015-16, during those years I put on the pounds. Unable to walk, I was not aware of this until I had gained 40lbs. Weight I just do not seem to be able to get rid of. I hate the way I look, (old & fat). Not many of my cloths fit, those that fit, makes me look even worse. Not she how to recapture my body.
Jan 21, 2018 21:22:23   #
Hey Hammy, if you're still around, I'd like to join you in losing 40 lbs. I want to lose 100 overall, but 40 would be a great start!
Jan 30, 2018 16:19:19   #
Hey everyone I can fully understand Harmony though When I reach that goal I might go another 10. I'm fat, old, and ugly there is something I can do about that I"m looking to hearing from you
Jan 31, 2018 15:46:44   #
Yes I need to lose 40 pounds ,cause diabetes runs in my family
Feb 23, 2018 10:57:23   #
I need to loose 50 lbs. total by choice. my major problem areas r belly (big time) then all around. I need suggestions food list, portions n exercise suggestions. if u could help I would appreciate it.
Mar 2, 2018 11:02:52   #
I gained due to a motor vehicle accident, which brought my activity level pretty much down to nothing, and metabolism.....what's that???? Lol. I would be happy to lose at least 30lbs. Wow it's so true not only does it catch up to you but the older you get the harder it is.😕
Mar 20, 2018 00:52:28   #
Hi Everyone, I think you guys need to take one day at a time. Try making one healthy change with your diet and start walking at least 30 minutes a day. Make little changes that you get great rewards. Remember consistency is the key. Hope this helps at least one person.
Mar 21, 2018 01:12:25   #
Hi, I'm going through the change of life and putting on weight and have tried everything does anyone have any suggestions?
Mar 25, 2018 22:08:41   #
Hey everyone I gotta lose some weight last year, I was on a total of 11 different diets & sadly not 1 worked. I have a goal and I know that 40lbs would be a nice start for me
Mar 27, 2018 17:51:20   #
Hi everyone I'm with you on needing to lose at least 30 lbs (that's my 1st goal) but really would like to lose 45 lbs. Had spine surgery Oct.2010 and lost 66 lbs within the 1st year. But about 3 yrs later i started having more pain so I wasn't able to get around to well even standing and walking was a problem and i gained all my weight back plus 15 lbs. I dont just need to lose weight but i want to both side's of my family or diabetic's and my sister has it bad.
Apr 6, 2018 07:38:14   #
Hi nativeangel, I had spine surgery 2 years ago, and I gained about 20lbs plus. I tried everything to loose this extra weight, but I found a better solution. Water aerobics!! All of my workouts are in the water. Abs included! Feels great to my back, I'm burning calories, muscle tone, and have more energy. We can work together and maybe do a challenge to reach our goal. You will feel so much better!!
Apr 6, 2018 16:31:07   #
Hi everyone I’m with you on wanting to lose 40 lbs I got sick 4 year a go I gained weight all of my clothes is getting to small I need help I don’t want to take any pills to lose weight
Apr 8, 2018 00:39:17   #
I really need to lose 100 but right now I would be happy with losing 20 let me know what your doing if you don't mind helping me!
May 13, 2018 07:41:26   #
lady Dzia
I am also need lose some weight,I have started just proteins,low carb veggies last week.i can see the difference right away. I do have 1 carb once a week.then start right back and I just walk for 30 mins aday.so would any want to do this with.i am a,people person
Disclaimer: Everyone's body is different. So individual results might vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort. We can't and don't want to make any guarantees or claims about the actual amount of fat you'll lose or the amount of time it takes for you to lose it. Or about the permanent nature of weight loss. All content on our website is for information purposes only, not a guarantee, claim or promise of any kind. Statements posted by our users have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We are a social website for people who want to discuss healthy weight loss.
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