This topic is locked to prevent further replies.
As the description of the section says: The Attic is the place where we put stuff we don't want our guests to see.
This section is for topics that either start off or degrade into controversy, ranting, fights, drama, or anything else that typically generates complaints from our user base.
(So if you are about to create a new topic, and you know that it will be controversial, then please do me a favor and create it in The Attic, not in General Chit-Chat.)
The primary purpose of The Attic is to offload General Chit-Chat a bit. But topics from other sections will be moved here if deemed necessary.
All global forum rules still apply in this section. This is not a free-for-all zone, but a way to limit negative exposure for users who want to subscribe to General Chit-Chat, but don't want to be bombarded with controversial topics on a daily basis.
This is a compromise.
Each user can make a decision to subscribe to either one of both of these sections.
Lastly, complaints about a topic moved to The Attic will also be moved to The Attic.