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Training my ABS
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Sep 24, 2017 13:05:21   #
Hello! I have a little bit of problem with training my ABS. Everywhere else it's all going as intended, except for my tummy which is still flabby.

Do you have any suggestions on how to correctly train my ABS? I thought, that I'm doing them pretty intensively.

It always hurts so much when I'm actually doing them, but the very next day - no pain at all, like I have never trained them.

Why is it? Maybe I'm doing exercises incorrectly or not enough reps?
Sep 24, 2017 13:27:48   #

Well, I'm sad to be the first to tell you this, but you don't reveal your ABS by doing many different exercises, no matter how intense.

It all depends on your body fat percentage. So, you should continue to work your ABS just like you used to, but cut down the calories and lose some more weight.

If you keep training and losing weight, sooner or later your ABS will reveal. You should also remember that it depends on your genetics as well.

Some people will have it easier to reveal 6-pack, some harder. Some people will accumulate more fat in their legs, while some won't and you don't have any impact on this, no matter how hard you train your abdominal muscles.
Sep 24, 2017 13:46:17   #
I guess neomeena said already everything there is to say. You don't reveal your 6-pack by training your ABS more and more. You reveal it by losing weight.

I will also add, that the reason why you don't feel any soreness after your hardcore ABS training is because those muscles tend to regenerate very fast.

Not any other muscles regenerate as fast as them, which is the reason why you don't feel any pain next day in opposition to other muscles.

If you did legs workout as intense as you did your abdominal muscles workout, you probably would have trouble getting out of bed the very next day.

That's why we don't put that much time in training ABS and those exercises that you find in most workouts here on our forum are more than enough.

Rest depends on your diet and how much weight you are going to lose.
Sep 24, 2017 14:03:39   #
Thank you! I think I don't have a tendency for my fat to accumulate on my stomach, other areas has some fat as well now that I gave it more thought.

I will try to lose weight more As for ABS muscles to regenerate that much I didn't know.

Thanks a lot
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