Hi guys! I've been trying to find ways to keep myself motivated because I've been struggling a bit recently, and I'e just come up with this - thought it might help if a few of us were doing the same thing so we can all lean on each other for some moral support!
Firstly, this is how to do a wall squat:
Push hips back against the wall
With your heels flat to the floor, slowly lower yourself down as far as you feel comfortable. Keep your arms out for balance if you feel that you need to. Pause and hold for as long as the challenge requires, then slowly stand back up using the wall for support.
The idea is to start at 10 seconds on day one, then increase by 10 seconds a day until day 30 when we should get to 5 minutes (eek!)
Anyone want to join me?
I'm in. I think that 5 minutes is going to feel like a very long time though lol
It's a no from me I'm afraid. I've got issues with my knees, and this would just about kill me I think. Can I be cheerleader?
Haha, cheerleaders always welcome!
I'm up for this. I'm OK with 10 seconds, not sure that I'll be able to keep it up though!
Yeah, I'm up for it. Not sure I'll be able to do a 10 second increase every day, but I'll try.
No pressure YM. It's about encouragement, not trying to force anyone. Just thought it might be a fun way to keep motivated.
I'm not sure about these tbh. I feel like there's a 30 day challenge popping up every other day at the minute, and nobody ever seems to do it to the end. Probably because it's really hard - I can tell you right now that I couldn't squat against a wall for 5 minnutes.
Again, no pressure! Even if you only do 10 seconds a day for 30 days, it's just something that we can all do together?
Sure, if everyone goes at their own pace I don't suppose that there's any harm in it.
If my little one will let me have 5 minutes to squat against a wall, I'll give it a go too!
Hey friends! Any updates? I want to join too!
I will try, but I'm a little off balanced.