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I have lost more than enough pounds drastically in a month
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Sep 27, 2017 13:26:09   #
Hello, I have lost approximately 44 pounds over the past one month. I think something is wrong here because I tried a meal plan for weight loss before, but did not see such a drastic change, even though the plan was distributed over 3 months. I have lost a lot of weight without any effort from my side. I am worried because I don't know what is likely to happen to me in the coming months.

I had a word with my doctor, and he recommended some drugs and a special diet. I really want to maintain my weight at 160 pounds now. What do you suggest should I do? I am also ok with gaining a few pounds rather than losing more. Your replies will be highly appreciated. Thanks.
Sep 27, 2017 13:54:53   #
I can imagine what you are going through MissAnne. It happened to my mum some years back, but that was because she fell sick and was confined to the bed for nearly a month. However, she regained her health back after approximately two months. Following a diet and taking prescribed drugs, she gained 39 pounds. She improved each day and recovered impressively.

I think you should stick to the doctor's prescription and check on your meals. That will help you.
Sep 27, 2017 14:17:15   #
Honestly, it is not normal to lose weight like this unless you are sick. Another reason that may justify losing 44 pounds is when you are on an extreme weight loss program. Your case is strange, but it is good that you have seen the doctor. I think your body needs a higher intake of carbs, proteins, and fats because these are the macronutrients which give energy to the body.

Protein is essential because it builds and preserves muscle mass. As for the drugs, I think you should just keep to what your doctor recommends you.
Sep 27, 2017 14:34:21   #
Veraxx, I agree with you, it's not normal to lose weight so quickly without doing anything. I had a word with my husband, and he was concerned that it could be a case of depression and stress. I am getting confused since I have to see the doctor for a checkup and possible treatment, while at the same time meet my psychologist for counseling.

This whole experience is haunting.
Sep 27, 2017 14:40:46   #
Relax MissAnne, because nothing good comes from gaining weight. If I were you, I would be jumping with joy and celebrating this miracle. I never wished to be a morning person before, but I have become one now. I have gotten used to the early morning workouts because it strengthens me and gives me energy for the day. I keep time and work out for about almost an hour more between 6 am and 7 am.

These workouts have helped me to remain focused in everything I do as well as adhere to my weight loss goals. I would advise you to challenge yourself with something unique and try out a new lifestyle.
Sep 27, 2017 14:54:00   #
Olive C
I think Jennie10 is right. You should get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. No matter how good the comfort zone maybe, nothing good comes out of it.

If you are not used to exercises or morning workouts, then challenge your body in another way and give it a try. Try playing a sport or pick a hobby like cycling or trekking. Eat right, workout hard and drop the extra fat rather than consuming drugs. It will help you with the stress issues as well. Give it a try.
Sep 27, 2017 15:17:44   #
Thank you everyone. I am so delighted at how you all have addressed this problem. At least, I am not confused now. I shall take my time and judge what is good for me, then get going. It's high time I challenged myself into doing something different and unique. Once again, thank you.
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