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Life style change!
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Mar 19, 2018 15:54:36   #
Hi I'm May & I'm 31yrs old, 5'4 133lbs. Though the weight may not seem too unhealthy, i gained 13lbs very quickly in a very short period of time so the extra weight is pure fat on me. I've been a smoker since 14-15 & i just quit last week and I'm confident I won't pick up that bad habit again. I've become lazy when it comes to being active with a terrible choice in foods so I'm plain out of shape as a whole & I used to have alot of stamina when it came to something as simple as running but now i can't run more than a minute or 2 without getting winded which is frustrating to say the least because i have a high energy mindset with a physical body that can't keep up. So i just joined a 6week crossfit challenge & am looking into foods i should & shouldn't eat to begin my journey to a new life style change!
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