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Posts for: Panemoniac
Sep 29, 2017 11:00:51   #
Unfortunately as others have said - steroids are your best bet here. I'm not really pro-steroids use, but if that's really your goal, that you want to achieve no matter what, then you have to go for it. I admire your passion and motivation.

I don't need to have such a perfect butt or perfect figure at all - I'm satisfied with what I have and with my genetic limits, but if you really want to go further, then I understand your reasons for doing it.

Not everyone can settle for being just better than most. Some, like you - want to be better than everyone else!

I hope, that you will achieve your goals.
Sep 20, 2017 19:11:54   #
I see, some interesting discussion has developed here. I don't understand your reasoning though Strawberry. You say that life is all about trying new things and so on, but you have never used steroids yourself, did you? So what have using steroids do with experiencing new things? Doing steroids is mostly stupid and not many people using them actually knows what they do. I know a few women using them and they basically didn't do any progress so far. Why? Because they have no clue about it. They thought they can replace good diet with using steroids and that roids will do everything for them.

It doesn't work this way. For women I would recommend to think about steroids only after 5 years of solid work out, not earlier and prior to that they should answer very simple question: What is that you want to achieve with steroids?

Because for most women it doesn't make any sense at all to do them. Our bodies don't grow as much and if you just want to have a good shape, then you definitely don't need them.
Sep 20, 2017 14:04:51   #
I wish you luck and make sure to post your success story once you gain some weight. Don't feel intimidated by other success stories, what matters is what is important for you. so make sure to share this moment with us as well :)

Actually, I'm about to write my own story soon as well. I'm a bit more advanced than you and I haven't achieved anything great really, but it is important for me so I will share it with other like-minded people here :)
Sep 20, 2017 12:26:24   #
WOW. Those are some amazing replies you got here, you should be thankful for time that both neomeena and sharon123 had to put in. I wish I asked about advice on forum like this when I was starting my fitness adventures. I would have avoided so many failures and also one injury, but anyway - just simply eat more and restrain yourself from junk food - like KFC or McDonalds. I have noticed myself that whenever I eat clean and healthy I'm able to gain weight, but once I supply myself with all this unhealthy stuff I tend to lose weight. It must have to do with differences in metabolism and hormones levels between endomorphs and ectomorphs that Katyaa wrote an article about here on our forum.

We are actually pretty similar, just like you I'm short - 5"4 and I was skinny back when I was starting - it's all genetics, but you can change so much once you start working out and you will do it the right way with right mindset.

I believe in you and I am kind of cheering for you as I was in your shoes when I was starting out myself and because I haven't found any great community who could have set me back on the right track I have made a lot of mistakes on my way, which have cost me quite a lot of wasted time, but now that you are here you won't make them :) Welcome again and go gain some weight, girl!
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