No, I have never tried it. Thanks Fit_Bet, I will give it a try and set an appointment with my clinical nutritionist. Thanks for help anyway!
I have already tried different hydrolysates and all kind of protein shakes - they all gave me problems. I still haven't tried fish, so I will give it a go.
I would definitely want to eat more than 2000 kcal as I'm pretty skinny and I need to gain weight, but it's hard with so many products out :(
Unfortunately I have chronic gastritis, so it's a bit hard to make a diet... I can eat rice, lean meat, soy cutlet, so not really many things.
Hi! So I wanted to ask what is the best meal to have for breakfast? I have stomach problems, so I can't eat: milk, eggs, oatmeal, protein shake, nuts or cottage cheese.
I would prefer something easy and fast to prepare. Thanks!!