Thanks a lot for those tips cherryjuice! I really though that my metabolism is okay, especially as I didn't gain weight.
I didn't know 1400 kcal is such a small amount of calories, basically all of my friends don't eat much more than that...
Thanks again, I'll do so and report back to you.
Thank you for those answers! It's true that I haven't eaten much for most of my life, but it's not that I was hungry either.
I have ate 1400kcal prior to starting working out, which I don't consider much, but it's not that low either, right?
Especially as I wasn't working out back then and I was rather spending most of my time at home, didn't participate in any extra physical activities.
So, what do I do now?
Hello! So I have this problem... I'm an total beginner. I was always skinny and I wanted to lose weight, so I've read articles on this forum. I have calculated my calories intake and I started bulking. It was all going good, even too good - I basically gained 25 pounds in two months! That's really a lot, right?
I just wanted to gain like 15 pounds to be fit, but instead I have gained 10 pounds more and I feel overweight already.. and I gotta say, that I'm not really used to feeling like this as for my entire life I was skinny and I don't want to be fat. Of course I have tried losing my weight now, but it really is going kind of slow. I've started with cutting 10% of my calories and in 3 weeks I have only lost 2 pounds!!
What's wrong? I already feel a little bit hungry and I don't want to start eating even less. What do I do wrong?
I managed to gain weight so fast, but now I can't even lose it?