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Posts for: FitLover4Ever
Sep 20, 2017 22:05:30   #
Well, so as you are pretty much advanced lifter already, you should know that low carb diet is simply not for everyone. I personally cannot handle this diet as well - it makes me feel weak and constantly angry.

It's not because I'm hungry as for most of the time I'm not in opposite to other diets, but I just don't feel well on this type of diet. I need to have at least 100g grams of carbs every day in a diet to feel normal, that's why

I always chose Carb Cycling diets for any cutting periods. Maybe it's just simply not for you as well?
Sep 20, 2017 08:50:02   #
Amazing story. I really have enjoyed reading through it and I can relate to most things, that you have wrote about here - I feel like alien sometimes as well, simply because I'm just doing those workouts that men usually do, although I rather stick to higher reps as strength is not my only goal. Congratulations on achieving your goals. My end-game is pretty much the same as yours!
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