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Posts for: kimoknabe
Feb 14, 2018 22:08:25   #
I agree with fit and forty. Processed, prepackaged foods are not good in almost all cases. Cut out the sugar and artificial sweeteners. Stevia is ok though as it is derived naturally. Whole fresh foods is the answer. I eat what I want and don't ever feel hungry. Meat, chicken, fish, eggs, lots of fresh veggies or frozen is ok. And fresh fruit. If I'm having a craving for sweets, I just eat fruit. Cut sugar and gluten (which is mostly just the bad carbs) and you quit craving junk.
Feb 14, 2018 21:58:33   #
Cut out the bread, pasta and sugar and processed prepackaged foods and eat as much lean meat, fresh vegetables and fruit as you want. When you cut the bad carbs you quit craving the bad carbs. Dying for something sweet? Fruit does the trick. Also corn tortillas are ok!!!
Feb 14, 2018 21:53:17   #
I am 52 years old and I have been going gluten free and cutting out just nearly all refined sugar and processed, prepackaged foods. Have only been following for a week and have already lost 6 lbs. The key I believe is whole foods with lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meat and eggs. I still eat some cheese, but I found almond coconut milk which is awesome!!
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