Again, no pressure! Even if you only do 10 seconds a day for 30 days, it's just something that we can all do together?
No pressure YM. It's about encouragement, not trying to force anyone. Just thought it might be a fun way to keep motivated.
Haha, cheerleaders always welcome!
Hi guys! I've been trying to find ways to keep myself motivated because I've been struggling a bit recently, and I'e just come up with this - thought it might help if a few of us were doing the same thing so we can all lean on each other for some moral support!
Firstly, this is how to do a wall squat:
Push hips back against the wall
With your heels flat to the floor, slowly lower yourself down as far as you feel comfortable. Keep your arms out for balance if you feel that you need to. Pause and hold for as long as the challenge requires, then slowly stand back up using the wall for support.
The idea is to start at 10 seconds on day one, then increase by 10 seconds a day until day 30 when we should get to 5 minutes (eek!)
Anyone want to join me?
Forgot to say mine - Pibb zero. It's like spicy cherries, so good!
Hey y'all! So, I'm not suggesting that anyone should drink them all the time, but what's your favorite low cal drinks? All water and no fruit makes Jackie a dull girl lol
Well done Angela! You're going to feel so much better for it.
5lbs!? Wow, what were you doing? lol
Oh, I've never seen one of those before. That's really helpful - thank you!
Aw, I knew someone was going to say weigh and measure. I know I'm gonna have to start doing it...I just don't want to. :(
Hi guys. As I've mentioned before, despite starting off well I've kind of hit a wall. I'm wondering if it's down to portion size?
Anyone got any tips on how to make sure I'm not eating too much, even if it is the 'right' food.
No, she turned orange because the only carbs she allowed herself was carrots and sweet potatoes. That's not clean eating, it's an eating disorder.
Huh? How can eating whole and unprocessed foods ever be bad for you?
Gloria, have you spoken to your doctor to ask if your medication could be causing weight gain? I know that some of the other ladies on here have had issues with that and their doctors have been super helpful.
Well, maybe you could talk to her and tell her that you need help figuring it all out?